
- Pick the branch to run in production server ( master )
- Create GitHub Token
Get Git
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash
Create Application Folder
mkdir app-backend && mkdir app-frontend
Clone The Repo
- Clone Private Repo
git clone https://{your-token}@github.com/{github-username}/{repo-name}.git
- Install packages
npm install
- Get PM2 Running
PORT=#### NUXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE_URL="{api-url}" pm2 start node --name {app-name} -- .output/server/index.mjs
Backend Strapi Deploy Script
sleep 2
sleep 2
ssh -i "$secretKeyPem" $user@$ip << EOF
sleep 2
cd $path
echo -- git fetch
git status
git fetch
echo ---- git pull branch-name
git pull origin $branch
echo ---- Strapi running npm ci
npm ci
echo ----- Strapi running npm run build >> NODE_ENV=production npm run build
NODE_ENV=production npm run build
echo --- pm2 reload all
pm2 reload all
echo "--- done from EOF ---"
echo ----------- done from local ------------
After Locally testing the development branch, commit changes and push changes to master, then run the script locally, which will go to your production server, update the code with the latest updates, then re-install and re-build the app, then trigger PM2 to restart the application without any downtime if all goes well.